Fade Me Meaning Craps

‘He likes to fade the ball, and that hole slopes the wrong way for him.’ ‘What has me happier is that, for the first time in three years, my back is well enough to let me fade the ball again.’ ‘Yes, you can hold on and fade the ball that way, but it is very limiting.’.

On the Wizard of odds site I cam across the following information:
On average, during the course of 100 points being established in craps: (1) How many of those would be 4/10, 5/9 or 6/8, (2) During the 100 how many times would each point (4/10, 5/9, 6/8) vs. a 7 be made?
— Jon from Danville, New Hampshire
Of those 100 points established, on average 41.67 would be on a 6 or 8, 33.33 would be on a 5 or 9, and 25.00 would be on a 4 or 10. You could expect on average 18.94 points made on a 6 or 8, 13.33 on a 5 or 9, and 8.33 on a 4 or 10.
Based on this information that would mean on the opposite side a seven out would come up:
23 times on 6/8 per 100 points
20 times on 5/9 per 100 points
17 times on 4/10 per 100 points.
As a don't player I am trying to calculate the number of point on average before back to back 7 outs occur.
My thought is when betting the don't with a base 1 unit wager I can get a 7 out 2 times in a row before 12 points are achieved. I'm just looking for the odds?
Once I have this information I would also like to include the come out 7 / 11 as a loss towards the 12 points.
I believe the odds of getting a 7 out twice are higher then hitting 12 points total (including the 7/11 come out loss)
  • Naturally, Craps has its own list of terms as well and when a game is as popular as Craps, it’s a whole new language. If you are a Craps newbie and can’t understand what Craps veterans are really saying, maybe what you really need is a comprehensive Craps glossary.
  • THREE: 'Craps,' 'ace-deuce,' 'ace caught a deuce,' 'winner on the dark side,' 'three craps three, the indicator,' 'small ace deuce, can't produce,' 'the other side of eleven's tummy.' (Here's an example of an old-time crap dealer, Judd, who invents a call that made its way across Nevada to a carpet joint that I've worked in.
  • Synonym for fade out I don't think I've ever used fade off, but I have used fade away. As the night progressed the glow in the dark sticker faded-out. Driving further towards town the mountains faded away from view. Fade off really isn't a phrase that would come up in natural English. Fade out is mostly used for songs and videos, referring to the audio getting progressively more and more.

On the Wizard of odds site I cam across the following information:
On average, during the course of 100 points being established in craps: (1) How many of those would be 4/10, 5/9 or 6/8, (2) During the 100 how many times would each point (4/10, 5/9, 6/8) vs. a 7 be made?
— Jon from Danville, New Hampshire
Of those 100 points established, on average 41.67 would be on a 6 or 8, 33.33 would be on a 5 or 9, and 25.00 would be on a 4 or 10. You could expect on average 18.94 points made on a 6 or 8, 13.33 on a 5 or 9, and 8.33 on a 4 or 10.
Based on this information that would mean on the opposite side a seven out would come up:
23 times on 6/8 per 100 points
20 times on 5/9 per 100 points
17 times on 4/10 per 100 points.
As a don't player I am trying to calculate the number of point on average before back to back 7 outs occur.
My thought is when betting the don't with a base 1 unit wager I can get a 7 out 2 times in a row before 12 points are achieved. I'm just looking for the odds?
Once I have this information I would also like to include the come out 7 / 11 as a loss towards the 12 points.
I believe the odds of getting a 7 out twice are higher then hitting 12 points total (including the 7/11 come out loss)

As a DI, where I shoot to roll numbers and avoid the dreaded '7' It's actually pretty easy to roll a 7 if I was to choose dark side shooting. If i set the dice to a certain set, I can 'make it happen within 3 rolls' but then it wouldn't be fun. I mentioned in another forum, that if a dark side shooter making 6k per roll if 7 out wants to tip me a couple black chips every once in a while, I can 'Make it happen' where he wins every chip the casino has to offer.
dark side shooters should 'take care' of DI's more often if they want the numbers up.
8 more years till retirement.

As a DI, where I shoot to roll numbers and avoid the dreaded '7' It's actually pretty easy to roll a 7 if I was to choose dark side shooting. If i set the dice to a certain set, I can 'make it happen within 3 rolls' but then it wouldn't be fun. I mentioned in another forum, that if a dark side shooter making 6k per roll if 7 out wants to tip me a couple black chips every once in a while, I can 'Make it happen' where he wins every chip the casino has to offer.
dark side shooters should 'take care' of DI's more often if they want the numbers up.

If it's pretty easy to roll a 7 if you choose to, why don't you just play the don't all the time? You could become wealthy with your skills of dice influence by setting the dice to your certain set. It wouldn't be fun making thousands and thousands of dollars? You could retire next year instead of in 8 years.
I am an employee of a Casino. Former Table Games Director, current Pit Supervisor. All the personal opinions I post are my own and do not represent the opinions of the Casino or Tribe that I work for.

As a DI, where I shoot to roll numbers and avoid the dreaded '7' It's actually pretty easy to roll a 7 if I was to choose dark side shooting. If i set the dice to a certain set, I can 'make it happen within 3 rolls' but then it wouldn't be fun. I mentioned in another forum, that if a dark side shooter making 6k per roll if 7 out wants to tip me a couple black chips every once in a while, I can 'Make it happen' where he wins every chip the casino has to offer.
dark side shooters should 'take care' of DI's more often if they want the numbers up.

FadeCrapsGenious - If you are positive you can 'make it happen', meaning that with a certain dice set, on a regulation table, with regulation dice, and a legal throw, you can make a 7 come up within 3 rolls, then be prepared for the backlash you will receive from this community. Now, if you wish to demonstrate it over an agreed upon sample size for a decent wager, please let me know.

CrapsGenious - If you are positive you can 'make it happen', meaning that with a certain dice set, on a regulation table, with regulation dice, and a legal throw, you can make a 7 come up within 3 rolls, then be prepared for the backlash you will receive from this community. Now, if you wish to demonstrate it over an agreed upon sample size for a decent wager, please let me know.

I said something like this before. He is just trying to troll people. He probably is sitting back laughing. I know its hard to ignore this kind of rubbish however if the normal posters just stop responding. It won't be fun for him. Perhaps this is not just for fun and he is charging people. We all know their are suckers out their.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪

If i set the dice to a certain set, I can 'make it happen within 3 rolls' but then it wouldn't be fun.

Hahahahahahahahahaha. No you can't. You will find no shortage of takers on this site that would love to take this bet so not only could you make millions in the casino, you could clean us all out.
Axel is right, you are just trolling. That's got to be the only explanation because if you actually believe what you are saying, you are going to lose a lot of money.

I said something like this before. He is just trying to troll people. He probably is sitting back laughing. I know its hard to ignore this kind of rubbish however if the normal posters just stop responding. It won't be fun for him. Perhaps this is not just for fun and he is charging people. We all know their are suckers out their.

Sir, I would never think of anything as far as trapping / trolling people and I don't intend to take money from people. Don't take me for con artist in any way, i'm just an old man who enjoys gambling tis' all.Fade me meaning craps machine
8 more years till retirement.

Hahahahahahahahahaha. No you can't. You will find no shortage of takers on this site that would love to take this bet so not only could you make millions in the casino, you could clean us all out.
Axel is right, you are just trolling. That's got to be the only explanation because if you actually believe what you are saying, you are going to lose a lot of money.

Hey sir, don't take my word for it, try it for yourself:
1) go to a live craps table and choose spot 8 (Left side of stick man)
2) when you get the dice, bet a small amount on the don't pass line.
Fade3) Set the dice 6/2 top and 2/4 facing you and turn both dice facing the back wall (Thumb should be between the 2/4, Index finger is on the 3 & middle finger is diagonally positioned across the 5/3)
4) Pick up the dice approx 4' from the table felt and proceed to shoot them to the back wall straight across making sure both dice hit the back wall.

Fade Me Meaning Craps Machine

that's it. If you got it right, you should average 5x 7's within 15 throws or 1:3 throws.
When you get it down right, you will be able to throw back to back 7's on comeout.
MeaningLike I said before many times, it's not about money, it's about having fun.
here is also a good strategy to use while doing this:
1) Let all the players know you are shooting strickly for a seven so no one bets too heavy.

Fade Me Meaning Craps Game

2) on comeout roll bet $5 on any 7. or if Hopping bets are available, bet all the hopping 7's pays 15:1. easy money.
3) if you miss out on winning the any 7, just keep track and do a martingale on the any 7 pays 4:1
(loss progression $5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40) If you can't roll a 7 in 8 attempts from the dice set i posted, then you need to retire from the game and take up a new hobby.
8 more years till retirement.
I'd love to fade this action. Antoine Gombauld is rolling over in his grave.
'In my own case, when it seemed to me after a long illness that death was close at hand, I found no little solace in playing constantly at dice.' -- Girolamo Cardano, 1563

I'd love to fade this action. Antoine Gombauld is rolling over in his grave.

Fade Me Meaning Craps Meaning

Well it is true. When I shoot the dice, my goal is to make all the firebet numbers, and I expect an average win potential of $500. Knowing it doesn't happen all the time I'll settle for $100 in wins from my shooting per session. But... if the darkside shooter is at the table and says to the stick man '$100 any 7 for the shooter' and I don't have any points made yet, Damn right, i'm gonna try for that 7.
8 more years till retirement.