Stichting Museum Slot Loevestein

  1. Stichting Museum Slot Loevestein Deluxe

A. G. Leventis Gallery Nikosia CY ... Tartu Uni Museum EE ... Estonian National Library Tallinn EE ... Finnish Maritime Museum Helsinki FI ... Finnish National Library Helsinki FI ... Musée Archéologique Départemental Jublains FR ... Musée National Adrien Dubouché Limoges FR ... Bibliothèque d'études Rousseauistes Montmorency FR ... Le Louvre Paris FR ... MuCEM Fort St Jean Marseille FR ... Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre Nuneaton GB ... International Slavery Museum Liverpool GB ... Labman Automation Ltd. Stokesley GB ... Mary Rose Museum/Mary Rose Trust Portsmouth GB ... National Maritime Museum (Neptune Court) London GB ... Nottingham Trent University School of Science & Technology GB ... Oxford Ashmolean Museum GB ... Sir John Soane's Museum London GB ... Stonehenge Museum GB ... The Rothschild Archive London GB ... Uni College London GB ... Wakefield Museum GB ... Warrington Museum & Art Gallery GB ... British Museum London GB ... Cambridge University Library Cambridge GB ... Archaeological Museum Heraklion/Crete GR ... St. Panteleimon (Pantaleon's) Monastery Mount Athos GR ... Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania Vilnius LT ... Stichting Museum Slot Loevestein Poederoijen NL ... Norwegian Folk Museum Oslo NO ... Halland Museum of Cultural History Varberg SE ... Topkapi Museum Istanbul TR

Stichting Museum Slot Loevestein

Castle Loevestein (Slot Loevestein in Dutch) is a medieval castle built by the knight Dirc Loef van Horne (hence 'Loef's stein' ((stone)) house) between 1357 and 1397. Until the Second World War Loevestein Castle was part of the Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie, the main Dutch defense line that was based on flooding an area of land south and east of the western provinces. Currently the castle is. Museum information Here you find an overview of all exhibitions at Slot Loevestein in Poederoijen. Besides the current temporary exhibitions, the overview lists permanent exhibitions, upcoming exhibitions and past exhibitions.

Stichting Museum Slot Loevestein Deluxe

  • The Napoleonic Association of the Netherlands and the Stichting Museum Slot Loevestein Kindly invites you to LOEVESTEIN 2020's (international) winter bivouac. This will take place from Friday 28 February 2020 to 1 st of March 2020.
  • Slot Loevestein – Foto: CC/Niels Provinciale Staten van Gelderland zijn deze week akkoord gegaan met een subsidie van 1,75 miljoen euro aan de Stichting Museum Slot Loevestein. Het geld is onder meer bedoeld voor het inrichten van een bezoekerscentrum over de Hollandse Waterlinie.
  • Provinciale subsidie voor Slot Loevestein Provinciale Staten van Gelderland zijn deze week akkoord gegaan met een subsidie van 1,75 miljoen euro aan de Stichting Museum Slot Loevestein.