Taxes Blackjack Winnings

As a result, you can end up owing taxes on winnings reported to the IRS even though your losses exceed your winnings for the year. This has happened to many gamblers who failed to keep records. For example, Bill Remos, a Coca-Cola delivery driver in Chicago, gambled for fun and got lucky: He won $50,000 in a single game of blackjack. A payer is required to issue you a Form W-2G (PDF), Certain Gambling Winnings, if you receive certain gambling winnings or if you have any gambling winnings subject to federal income tax withholding. You must report all gambling winnings on your Form 1040 (PDF) as 'Other Income' (line 21), including winnings that are not subject to withholding.

  1. Taxes Blackjack Winnings 2019
  2. Taxation On Blackjack Winnings
  3. Taxes Blackjack Winnings Calculator
  4. Taxes Blackjack Winnings 2020
  5. Taxes Blackjack Winnings Rules
so i have a question about taxes and blackjack, suppose you walts right in a casino and sit down and play and manage to lose somewhere in the realm of 3k-5k$
and suppose the next 3hr or days you manage to win that 3k-5k$ right back, do you owe taxes on your winnings but not really winnings just recoveries? if so thats more then a -0.5 disadvantage you are playing with , i am not saying blackjack is beatable but with 1-10 spread or 25-250 needing atleast 29 grand right off the bat knowing you could lose 1/2 of it in a short time and having the pit boss say off the floor with you like Colin jones had on youtube video it all seems like a giant head if you owe the tax man money on your break even bets lol but again im sure you can extract money from the tables so many have claimed so in the past...
Technically yes you owe taxes on any win but you can off set the wins as long as you file the long form.
Expect the worst and you will never be disappointed. I AM NOT PART OF GWAE RADIO SHOW
holy hell you mean to tell me i can go through bad weeks or even months of winning and losing and then owe the tax man my not really wins? i dont understand how people are profiting from 21, knowing you could be sent to prison for 3yrs or more ouch
Because most people don't declare taxes correctly. The tax code does not specify between separate events. If you want to be completely technical, if you bet $100 on a hand and win you should be paying taxes on that as well. However, during an audit they will allow a 'session' to be 1 bet. Now the argument is, what is a session? I play for an hour and win 1k, take a break and grab dinner. After dinner in play again and lose 1k and go home. Was that 1 session at break even or 2 sessions with +1k (taxabale) and -1k (used to offset the tax).
What if I go on monday and lose 1k, then go on Friday and win 1k. Again is that 1 week long session or 2 separate sessions? What about the year? Is it 1 long session or many many throughout? There is always debate on what is correct.
Expect the worst and you will never be disappointed. I AM NOT PART OF GWAE RADIO SHOW
i guess i should make things more clearer, what is the legal stand point ? if you lose 2k$ in 2 weeks and win 2k$ in 2 weeks you really do owe taxes on 2,000 win?
thats dumb and retarded to the 5th power, does the casino assist the government on your wins/losses?

i guess i should make things more clearer, what is the legal stand point ? if you lose 2k$ in 2 weeks and win 2k$ in 2 weeks you really do owe taxes on 2,000 win?
thats dumb and retarded to the 5th power, does the casino assist the government on your wins/losses?

That is my point. The legal stand point is so ambiguous that there is no clear cut definition. Casinos however do not assist in tax related matters unless they issue a 1099 or w2g.
Expect the worst and you will never be disappointed. I AM NOT PART OF GWAE RADIO SHOW

Taxes Blackjack Winnings 2019

so if i win 3k-5k$ do they have me sign anything at the table or cage? god thats so stupid when your down the hole your really down the hole times two x2
if they dont log your actions i guess you claim what you 'felt' was a win

so if i win 3k-5k$ do they have me sign anything at the table or cage? god thats so stupid when your down the hole your really down the hole times two x2
if they dont log your actions i guess you claim what you 'felt' was a win

They don't do forms for wins on tables unless it is a huge side bet win.
Gambling taxes are mostly an on your honor type thing.
Expect the worst and you will never be disappointed. I AM NOT PART OF GWAE RADIO SHOW

so if i win 3k-5k$ do they have me sign anything at the table or cage? god thats so stupid when your down the hole your really down the hole times two x2
if they dont log your actions i guess you claim what you 'felt' was a win

If you are gambling large amounts and are really that concerned, do yourself a favor. Find a seasoned tax attorney, preferably a CPA, plunk down a few hundred $$ and have him answer your questions. Short of that, spend a few hours researching on the web.
The fact is that for most, this won't be an issue. The IRS is doing fewer and fewer audits each year. Less than one in a hundred returns are being audited. A tax pro can tell you how to avoid red flags that can raise IRS suspicions.
This conversation should start with the IRS (assuming that your activity is in the US and you are a citizen/resident of the US):
Topic 419 - Gambling Income and Losses
The following rules apply to casual gamblers. Gambling winnings are fully taxable and you must report them on your tax return. Gambling income includes but is not limited to winnings from lotteries, raffles, horse races, and casinos. It includes cash winnings and the fair market value of prizes, such as cars and trips. For additional information, refer to Publication 525, Taxable and Nontaxable Income, or review How Do I Claim My Gambling Winnings and/or Losses?
Gambling Winnings
A payer is required to issue you a Form W-2G (PDF), Certain Gambling Winnings, if you receive certain gambling winnings or if you have any gambling winnings subject to federal income tax withholding. You must report all gambling winnings on your Form 1040 (PDF) as 'Other Income' (line 21), including winnings that are not subject to withholding. In addition, you may be required to pay an estimated tax on your gambling winnings. For information on withholding on gambling winnings, refer to Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax. If you are considered a nonresident alien of the United States for income tax purposes and you have to file a tax return, you must use Form 1040NR (PDF), U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return. Refer to Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens, and Publication 901, U.S. Tax Treaties, for more information.
Gambling Losses
You may deduct gambling losses only if you itemize deductions. However, the amount of losses you deduct may not be more than the amount of gambling income reported on your return. Claim your gambling losses on Form 1040, Schedule A (PDF) as an 'Other Miscellaneous Deduction' (line 28) that is not subject to the 2% limit. A nonresident alien of the United States cannot deduct gambling losses.
It is important to keep an accurate diary or similar record of your gambling winnings and losses. To deduct your losses, you must be able to provide receipts, tickets, statements, or other records that show the amount of both your winnings and losses. Refer to Publication 529, Miscellaneous Deductions, for more information.
I do know that some people write about how they are treated in an audit situation, etc. but starting with the information above, and diving deeper into it with all the links if necessary, is the place to start. The key that I always see mentioned is to have good Recordkeeping. Without that, the auditor can easily disallow a lot of things should they be so inclined and you would not have room to fight their decision since you did not follow the basic rules.
  • Factoid: Twenty-five years ago 2 states had legalized gambling and 48 did not. Now 48 do and only 2 do not (Hawaii and Utah.)
  • Factoid: Nevada gambling revenue was $1 billion in 1975 ...$10 billion in 2004 and is projected to be $15 billion in 2009.

'Las Vegas was built for people who are really bad at math....' ...Penn Jillette (Penn & Teller, now at the Rio!)

'There are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate: when he can't afford it and when he can.' ...Samuel Clemens, also known as 'Mark Twain' (1835-1910)


In the last decade, entertainment, shopping and fine dining have replaced gambling as the top attraction for visitors to Las Vegas. Many hotels get more than half of their revenue from non-gambling sources.

Taxation On Blackjack Winnings

Although tourists no longer list gambling as the primary reason for their visit, almost all are willing to risk an average of $500 each trying to hit that elusive jackpot.


Nationwide, casino gambling is a $50 billion business. And 20 percent of that amount comes from just one state ...Nevada. One third of all Nevada general tax revenue comes from state gambling taxes.

The state of Nevada and casinos like to call it “gaming” since ”gambling” has such an negative ring to it. We agree. “Gaming” is a better word for the games of chance legally offered in Las Vegas. Games are played for entertainment. And this is how you should treat the money you risk in Las Vegas in hopes of hitting “The Big One.” Play for fun and the “possibility” that you might win. NEVER take Las Vegas gambling seriously.

Gambling laws in Nevada

Las Vegas gambling was legalized in 1931. The Nevada Gaming Commission and Control Board develops and administers all gaming regulations. Their website can make interesting reading. Casinos with more than 15 slot machines pay an annual tax of $250 on each one. There is also an additional monthly tax of up to 6.75% on gross gaming revenue ...a percentage that is the lowest in the U.S.

Anyone working as a gaming employee must be registered with the state and have a valid gaming work permit. This includes all casino workers except bartenders and cocktail waitresses.

You must be 21 to enter a casino, gamble ...or purchase or consume alcoholic beverages. If you look young carry a state-issued ID with photograph such as a driver’s license. Children are permitted in the casino public walkways but are not allowed to be near slot machines or gaming tables. You are allowed to carry open alcoholic beverage containers on the street, but not in a vehicle.

Taxes on gambling winnings

There are some things you should know if you are lucky enough to win. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires all casinos in certain instances to withhold federal taxes if you win over a certain amount. The percentage withheld ranges between 25 and 30 percent depending on how you won. Here is how it works.

If you had gambling winnings, the casino is required by the IRS Information Reporting rules to withhold 28% as income tax if you do not provide a documented TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number, that is, your Social Security Number.) We have heard of cases where it is withheld no matter what. The withholding tax is 30% if a foreign gambler. The tax rate is 25 percent if the amount is over $5,000 (except for non-resident aliens.)

Taxes Blackjack Winnings

When your winnings exceed a specified threshold and/or tax is withheld, the casino will give you an IRS Form W-2G showing the amount you won and the amount of tax withheld. Report (and take credit for the tax you paid) on your IRS Form 1040 tax return at the end of the year. (Only use Form 1040 if you had gambling winnings; you cannot use any other form.)

Generally, gambling winnings are reportable to the IRS if the amount paid is (a) $600 or more and (b) at least 300 times the amount of the wager. This requirement primarily applies to lotteries, sweepstakes and other big winnings from small bets. It does not apply to winnings from bingo, keno, and slot machines.

Casinos report gambling winnings for these games to the IRS when a player wins $1,200 or more from a bingo game or slot machine or if the proceeds are $1,500 or more from a keno game. When you exceed these amounts, the casino may withhold taxes and will provide you with IRS Form W-2G. They keep the original and give you two copies of the form. (If state income tax withholding is required on gambling winnings in your state, additional taxes may be withheld.)

The rules are different for table games (such as blackjack, baccarat, craps, roulette or other spinning wheel games.) Since Nevada casinos do not know the amount you started with, they are not able to determine how much you won (...your taxable gain.) As a result, federal law provides that there is no withholding or even reporting of table game wins to the IRS. It therefore follows that table game winners probably do not report their gambling profits to the IRS.

You not only pay taxes on gambling profits, but you can also claim gambling losses as an itemized deduction as well. But you must keep some kind of documentation (such as a diary or tickets) to substantiate the amount and nature of the losses. In any event, you cannot claim gambling losses that exceed your winnings.

Taxes Blackjack Winnings Calculator

Managing your money

Taxes Blackjack Winnings 2020

Paying taxes on blackjack winnings

Taxes Blackjack Winnings Rules

Greed is the downfall of most players. The odds that you will win if you play long enough is statistically wrong is; having doubled your money, you next try to quadruple the winnings (and end up losing it all.) Both concepts have built a lot of nice hotel-casinos in Las Vegas.

My system for managing gambling money is simple. I budget $100 a day which, according to statistics, is about average for Las Vegas visitors. If I am on a five day vacation, I put $100 in each of five dated envelopes ...a total of $500. I ration the money throughout the day and stop when I lose my hundred and do other things. I might stop when I double my allotment. In any event at the end of the day, I either am ahead or behind. If I am ahead, I put whatever portion of the $100 I have left (hopefully it is more than $100) back in the same dated envelope and place it in the room safe that hotels provide. Tomorrow I play with the money in following day’s envelope. The most you can lose is $100 on any given day ...or $500 for your trip. I am happy if I break even ...and you should be too. Once in a while I go home with “their” money. In recent years I have done better. I will tell you how later.

The bad news: There are no casino games or bets where the house does not have a clear advantage. The odds either favor the house ...or they get a commission. And if you are not familiar with basic information about the games you play or bets you make, you are just about a guaranteed loser. In short, casino owners are in business to make a profit. They did not build all those gorgeous hotels by giving away money.

The good news: The reality is that if you are lucky you can win ...and the drinks are free. But statistically the chances are against winning. So the cardinal rule is, over the long haul, whether playing the slots, table games, betting on sports or risking money on anything; you will probably lose. But some bets are better than others.

It is beyond the scope of this website to provide in depth strategy on how to gamble and win in Las Vegas. Many books have been written on the subject and - trust me - none work over the long haul ...or are illegal.

We will, however, cover the most popular games and things you should know as a beginner to have fun and minimize your loss ...and maybe make a few bucks.

Let the games begin

Blackjack (21) is either dealt by hand with one or two decks. Multiple Deck 21 is dealt from a box called “the shoe.” Everyone in Blackjack plays against the dealer. Roulette consists of a spinning wheel marked with numbers 1 through 36 (18 red, 18 black) and American Roulette has a green 0 and 00 ..a total of 38 possibilities. You win if your number, combination of numbers or color comes up. To play Keno, you select a minimum of 4 but no more than 10 numbers on a ticket between 1 and 80. Twenty of the 80 numbered balls are drawn and you win if all your selected numbers are chosen. Craps is a complicated dice game which we do not recommend for first-timers. There are many other table games (and variations) as well. More and more people are playing poker these days and we will also have a little to say about that later.

Taxes blackjack winnings calculator

By far, however, the most prevalent pastime in Las Vegas is playing the slot machines ...and video poker. We will cover the games of chance and sports betting in this chapter ...which you should play, where you should play and the odds of winning.